Work 2 Live Reference Form

Zero Ceiling is committed to ending youth homelessness in BC. We create a supportive, stable, safe environment where young people can focus on healing and personal growth. Strong, positive relationships are at the heart of everything we do. We work towards equity and social justice for young people who have been discriminated against, excluded, and oppressed.

We work with young people (aged 19-27) facing or at risk of homelessness in the Sea to Sky Corridor and the Lower Mainland. 

Work 2 Live (W2L) is a 12-24 month supportive housing and employment program. We provide unconditional support and wraparound care so young people can heal, build stability, skills, and support systems to have a healthy transition to adulthood. 

The services below make up a safety net for our program participants. With these supports we aim to create an environment in which young people feel at home and are supported in healing and growth. When people feel well, they do well!

1. Transitional Housing: Subsidized, communal living, supported and supervised by staff

2. Supportive Employment: We provide pre-employment training, supportive work placements, workplace coaching, and training and supports to employers. 

3. Individualized Support: Participant directed case management (youth led goal setting and support), service referrals (counselling, doctors, etc.), cultural supports, transition planning. 

4. Group Programming: Land based recreation (mountain biking, hike, ski, snowboard), family dinner, life skills workshops.

We rely on referring agencies to provide accurate information to assist us in selecting appropriate participants. The Work 2 Live program provides comprehensive support, but participation can mean moving away from current supports to a community with limited social services, particularly in regards to drug and alcohol counselling and mental health services. Most supportive services in Whistler operate Monday-Friday between 9am and 5pm.

To apply to the Work 2 Live Program, you must:
Be 19-27 years old
Have no drug or alcohol dependencies
Complete and sign the release of information form provided below

Those who find most success in the program are:
Are motivated and able to engage in employment
Able to live in a communal setting
Willing to participate with supports
Interested in learning to snowboard, ski, or mountain bike

Priority will be given to young people who are currently experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

If you have any questions about the program before you make a referral, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Program Manager at Dan Browning at or (604)-698-6581.
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