re:MADE Assistant Questionnaire Form
Please answer these questions on how you work best and solve problems
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Email *
First and last name *
What do you look to get out of working as an assistant? *
What hours could you consistently work each week? *
What hourly wage do you feel you should start at? *
If you were working on a project of stapling packets together and you ran out of staples, and there were no more where you were told more would be, how would you solve this problem? *
If you were instructed to price earrings at $7 each, but the sample one had a $14 price tag on it, what would you do? *
If you were sick and could not make it in at the scheduled time what would you do? *
How early in the morning and how late at night do you feel it is acceptable to send and receive texts for business? *
If you were assigned 3 tasks to do today and then when you arrived a work there was a note that said please add this to what you do today. What would you do? *
If you are asked to organize an area on some shelves: *
If you get all the tasks assigned done early, what do you do? *
If  you are working alone do you prefer to have music playing or just work in quiet? *
What would be 3 ways you would like to be acknowledged for a job well done? *
How is the best way to communicate an error that you made? *
If you spilled your monster drink on the keyboard of the computer, what would you do? *
What do you do when you are instructed to do something a specific way and you know of a better way what do you do? *
When you don't clearly understand an instruction what do you do? *
If an order came in on the website and you packaged it up to send, would you be able to bring it to the post office? *
What is some of your favorite snacks, drinks, and candy? *
If you miss a day at work what would you do? *
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