Salt Lake City Chinese Christian Church/Living Stone Fellow Service Sign Up
BEFORE FILLING IN THE SIGN UP FORM, please take a moment to look at the Health Self Assessment to evaluate if you and your family should attend this week's Sunday service.

Please review our re-opening policy here -

Instructions - Please fill in the form below to sign up for this week's Sunday service. The attendance occupancy limit is 40 people for each service time. The first 40 people to sign up will be notified via email to confirm their attendance. Instructions and guidelines for attending church service will also be communicated with this email. If you have any questions about signing up, please contact the church @ (Chinese services) or (English services)

      在填此報名表之前,請看一下 “自我健康評估”,據此評估一下您和您的家人是否應該可以參加本週主日的會堂祟拜。

說明:要登記參加本週主日敬拜的,請填好以下表格:每次敬拜人數僅限於 40人/家庭。我們將送電子郵件通知第一批四十位報名的,確認他們參加主日敬拜。參加會堂主日敬拜的說明和準則也將附於這份電子郵件裡。有關報名的任何問題,請聯繫 (中文敬拜) 或 (英文敬拜)
登录 Google 即可保存进度。了解详情
Your Name 姓名 *
Phone Number 聯絡電話 *
e-mail address 電子郵箱 *
Please select the service time below that you plan on attending.
How many people are you bringing? This number is limited to family members only.  一共有多少人會參加?(僅限家人) *
Are you or your family in need of other protective equipment (e.g. masks)? If so, please indicate what you might need. 您需要口罩、手套或其他防疫的用品嗎?若需要,請註明需要的數目 *
Would you be willing to help with the reopening process as to usher people to assigned locations) 您願意參與教會重新開放的招待引領人們到指定的座位入座?
Date, plan to attend 參加敬拜日期 *
切勿通过 Google 表单提交密码。
此内容不是由 Google 所创建,Google 不对其作任何担保。 举报滥用行为 - 服务条款 - 隐私权政策