Congregational Survey 會眾調查
Thank you for participating in this confidential survey. 感謝您參與這項匿名調查。

This survey includes several questions about your current feelings about returning to regular church activities when local government lifts its ban on public gatherings.
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When our local government lifts its ban or guidance against churches meeting, which best describes your attitude toward returning to a worship service at church? Select one:當我們的地方政府取消對教會聚會的禁令或指引時,最能說明您對重返教會崇拜的態度是什麼?選擇一項: *
In addition to our local government lifting its ban or guidance against public gatherings, are there other signals you would want to see before you return to attend a worship service at church? Select all that apply 除了我們的地方政府取消對公眾聚會的禁令或指引之外,您還想在回教會參加崇拜活動之前看到其他訊息嗎?選擇所有符合你想選擇的
What precautions, if any, do you plan to take when you return to a worship service? Select all that apply 返回教會崇拜時,您打算採取什麼預防措施(如果有)?選擇所有符合你想選擇的
What precautions, if any, do you expect our church to take for worship gatherings? Select all that apply 返回您希望我們的教會對聚會採取什麼預防措施(如果有的話)?選擇所有符合你想選擇的
Would you be willing to attend your Sunday School where it typically meets? 您願意照常參加主日學嗎?
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Do you have children age 18 or younger who live with you and typically attend church with you? 您是否有18歲以下的孩子與您同住並通常與您一起參加教會?
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