2024 Sonic Expo: Artist Alley Application
Are you an artist or crafter with a passion for Sonic the Hedgehog? We'd love to have you table at Sonic Expo!

Date & Location:
November 9-10, 2024
Esports Stadium Arlington & Sheraton Arlington
Dallas, Texas

Deadline for applications: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 11:59PM CST. 
Acceptance emails sent: Friday, June 14th, 2024. 
Table payment due: Sunday, June 30th, 2024.

Table Information:
- Table fee: $175 USD 
- Table size: 72 in x 30 in. (6 ft x 2.5 ft). 
- Included: one table, two chairs, two Sonic EXPO 2024 Artist badges.
- Artists can choose to table alone, with one helper, or split the table space with one other artist of their choosing when filling out the form. If deciding to split with another artist, one person must be chosen as the "primary artist", which is where contact and payment invoice will be forwarded to.

Not Provided:
- Travel expenses
- Lodging
- Extra badges beyond the two provided; 2 extras badges may be purchased at a 20% discount

Submission Guidelines:
- Applicants should have art & merchandise examples that are Sonic and/or SEGA themed. Merch of other IPs is acceptable and can be sold at the expo, as long as there is a variety of Sonic/SEGA themed art within your shop or portfolio link.
- No bootleg, traced, AI Generated, or stolen material; this includes using someone else's fanart as well as official media.
- Crafts upcycled from official merchandise such as fabric, toys, comics, etc. are allowed. 
- No explicit/NSFW material allowed.

Submission Process:
- Due to the limited space of the venue and the number of applicants we're expecting to receive, it is anticipated that not everyone who applies will get a table.
- Applications will be juried and selected by members of the Sonic Expo staff based on what is showcased in your portfolio or shop link. In the event we have larger than expected amount of sign up, a partial lottery may be implemented. 

- Payment will be processed through PayPal invoices if your submission is accepted. 
- Once accepted, payment links will go out on Friday, June 14th, 2024 with acceptance emails and are due by  Sunday, June 30th, 2024. Failure to pay by this date means a forfeit of your table at the event and the table will be given to someone on the waitlist.

Waitlist and Cancellation Policy:
- In the event you are accepted but are no longer able to attend Sonic Expo, please let the staff know as soon as possible. If you inform staff of cancellation by September 21st, we can refund your table, however we unfortunately cannot issue any refunds beyond this date.
- If you are not selected to have a table, there is an option to sign up for a waitlist in the case of any potential dropouts. In the event that space is opened up, you will be reached out by email if you are selected to fill.

Tax ID (EIN):
- When accepted, you are expected to have a valid Texas tax ID (EIN) to sell in the artist's alley. You do not need one at the time of application or acceptance, but it should be ready in time for Sonic Expo. Creating one is easy and can be done so here: https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/permit/

Setup and Teardown:
Artists can set up the day before the event (Friday, November 8th) and/or the morning of (Saturday, November 9th), exact times TBA in a later email. Teardown will happen promptly after the event is finished on Sunday.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us @ help@SonicEXPO.org or reach out to the Artist Alley and Exhibitor coordinator Sen on Twitter (@mightysen), Discord (mightysen) or Instagram (@mightysen).

Sonic EXPO staff reserve the right to decline any artist submissions for any reason.
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