CALL FOR APPLICATIONS  -  ‘Engagement With Human Rights Mechanisms’
The East African Human Rights Institute (EAHRI) is a   human rights institute registered in the United Republic of Tanzania, the Institute works to promote human rights at the local and regional levels through research, training, professional courses, consultancy, and publications. The EAHRI works to   provide a better learning environment for human rights defenders, government officials, judiciary officials, lawyers, college students and the public at large across the  East African Community Region. Given the fact that specialized human rights courses are inadequate   in many East Africa Universities and particularly in Tanzania, this institute strives to become a centre of excellence in offering registered and contextualized   human right studies in this sub- region.
The EAHRI offers more practical and contextualized short and long courses in various field of human rights. Our Courses time duration ranges from three days training, one-week courses, four weeks courses and 12 weeks courses and later we would be offering recognized courses from certificate level to master level in collaboration with affiliated universities and other international partners. Our courses are offered through distance learning approaches, indoor physical learning sessions, popular education and through visitation up on official invitation to meetings, seminars by NGOs, Government departments, UN agencies, communities, and academic institutions.
The training aims to empower human rights actors and human rights defenders on the best way they can implement and coordinate their human rights monitoring and protection efforts at all National, Regional, and international levels.  The training will offer technical and practical knowledge and skills to participants on how they can strategically utilize the available human rights mechanisms at all levels.
This course will help human rights actors to understand and apply skills on how the UN, Regional and National human rights system work and complement each other.  Currently, there are number of human rights mechanisms not well known by human rights defenders and other human rights actors.  This course aims to maximize the use of these mechanisms and participation of various actors such as government officials, independent state institutions, lawyers, academics, Civils Society Organizations, parliamentarians, and human rights defenders. Participants will eventually be knowledgeable on human rights mechanisms at all levels including the rights standards that form human rights system at National, Regional and International Levels.   The training will have 8 modules to be trained for a period of 10 weeks.
This course will be delivered through an online platform inform of distance learning. This is purely human rights practical training to be delivered by human rights actioners who have been engaging with these mechanisms for many years. The course will use  combination methods such as  power points , cases,  provision of reading materials,  short videos;  groupand individual exercises aimed at understanding how best to access human rights systems.   For more details about this course and the mode of application follow the following link  For more explanation, contact us through:
CEO- Elizabeth Achilles and/or +255 (0) 656359021.
Social media: Instagram: @ea_humanrightsinstitute, Twitter: @eahr_institute, Facebook Page: @East Africa Human Rights Institute

Click here to get the concept note --->>  CONCEPT NOTE

Application Deadline :  5 August 2023

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Account Number: 0100017332
Account Name: East Africa Human Rights Institute Company Limited.
Bank Name: EXIM BANK.

Number: 0765958852,
Name : East Africa Human Rights Institute.
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