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Evolve into the ultimate version of yourself.
These questions are designed to give me a better idea for where you're coming from before our first consultation call together.
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What's your name?
Your answer
What do you do for a living?
Your answer
What inspired you to explore coaching at this point in your life?
Your answer
How old are you?
Where do you live? (For time zone purposes)
Your answer
What is the biggest challenge or obstacle you are currently facing, and how has it impacted you?
Your answer
Describe the “ultimate version” of yourself. What does success and fulfillment look like to you?
Your answer
What impact do you hope to create in your life, work, or the world?
Your answer
What are you most excited or motivated to achieve through this coaching experience?
Your answer
Click here to acknowledge that coaching requires a financial and time investment, and that you're ready to take this next step.
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