Intention to participate in the club meet at Froggatt Edge 20 July 2021
Data in this form are collected from every Peak Climbing Club member who wants to take part in the above mentioned meet. It is a legal requirement so that the club can resume activities during the Covid-19 pandemic for the club needs to gather the information from everyone that is at a club meet in order to control the risk of virus spread. The information will only be shared with NHS Track and Trace and only when asked for. The data collected will be deleted after 21 days.

!!! Do not attend if you, or someone in your household, has symptoms of COVID-19 !!!

Please fill in this form once for each person.

The meet leader for this meet is: Trevor Wilson   Phone: 07785798346
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Confirm that you have read and understood following documents: PCC Briefing; BMC guidance; PCC Risk Assessment; that are available here: *
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