Sign up for EC-REACH's Citywide Early Childhood Research Roundtables
The first three roundtables are scheduled as follows, and will continue every other month after that.

- Wednesday, May 22: 12:00-1:00, Drs. Kate Zinsser, Catherine Main, and Megan Roberts
- Wednesday, July 24: 12:00-1:00, Dr. Julia Henly

We will follow up with a calendar invitation containing the Zoom link, as well as reminders leading up to the meetings.

If you have any questions, please reach out to
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Do you have work in progress or an idea that you want feedback on?
The work you share need not be about Chicago, but we do ask that it is still in progress and that you are open to feedback. Please provide a brief description of your project, what kind of feedback you are looking for, how long you will need (a whole or half meeting). We’ll follow up to slot you into an upcoming agenda.
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We hope to connect and partner with folks in all Chicago neighborhoods.

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