What the Fi is DeFi- II Blockchain workshops with SheFi x Blockchain Society
Date: 23rd February
Time: 6-8pm
Location: St Catherine’s MCR (second floor)
Description: Come to the second blockchain workshop of our series of five workshops with SheFi x the Oxford Blockchain society. Learn about DeFi and delve deeper into the topics we introduced in the first workshop.

Upon completion of the workshop series, you will get access to the course materials and women* will get access to the SheFi community!

If you can’t make it in person, join us virtually using the following link: : https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86417219358?pwd=Nithb0I0UHhSOGNqYVhPMWl4NFZZZz09

SheFi is a decentralised finance “DeFi” and broader crypto educational initiative and community aimed at onboarding more women into the new financial economy enabled Web 3.0 or blockchain technology.

Maggie Love is Co-founder and Director of Business Development at W3BCLOUD, a joint venture between Advanced Micro Devices (NASDAQ:AMD), and ConsenSys. W3BCLOUD is building the infrastructure for the compute and storage layers of the decentralized web. While at ConsenSys, she worked across ventures, partnerships, and client engagements. Before ConsenSys, she led product strategy for IBM Watson in Financial Services. She is also the Founder of SheFi, a crypto and DeFi education initiative and global inclusive community. She also participates in the broader crypto ecosystem as a member of the Aave Grants DAO, a mentor for accelerators such as Tachyon and Outlier Ventures and as a backer of the Komorebi Fund. The promise of blockchain to build more inclusive, accessible, equitable and resilient financial systems is what initially inspired Maggie to join the cryptosphere in 2016. In April 2020, she launched SheFi to cultivate a global and inclusive community of leaders learning about, discussing, building and investing in the future of finance and Web 3.
Upon completion of the workshop series, you will get access to the course materials and women* will get access to the SheFi community, connecting you to some of the biggest players in the DeFi space. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Our next sessions:
Where to Begin: Web 3 Wallets; 10th March
I Wanna DAO with Somebody; coming in Trinity term
Trading Tokens {Decentralized Exchanges: Uniswap}; coming in Trinity term

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Will you attend the second workshop (23rd February)? *
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I am happy for OxWIB to send me information regarding the blockchain workshop series with SheFi via email. *
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