Advanced Pool Coatings - Drowning Prevention Safety Information. Fencing, Barriers and Safety Regulations
APC is providing you this important pool safety information regardless of whether or not your project is considered to be exempt from a building permit. Please acknowledge below.

By completing the form below I (Customer) acknowledge that Advanced Pool Coatings has advised me of important drowning safety prevention information. I am identifying the drowning prevention devices I have at my property, and I assume all responsibility and liability for ensuring such devices are in place at my property prior to filling the pool with water.
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Jobsite Address *
Customer Name *
Email Address *
An enclosure that isolates the pool from access from other properties, that meets requirements of section 115923 of the California Health and Safety Code (required by California Building Code):
At least two of the following seven drowning prevention safety features to help protect residents and guests of the private single-family home (select at least 2): *
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