Become a Mentor or Mentee
The doctoral mentoring program offers a supportive transition experience for early doctoral students by pairing them with upper-level doctoral students who can help unlock some of the hidden curriculum of academia. 

We hope this mentoring program engages students’ resource-sharing and community that position graduate students for a successful doctoral journey.

This form will allow us to march mentors and mentees to create small mentoring communities (1 mentor matched with 1 to 3 mentees).

Application closes on Friday, October 7, 2022.

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Are you applying to be a mentor or mentee? *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email address: *
What program are you enrolled in? *
Institution: *
What best describes your current progress in the program? *
Are you an AERA member? Please provide your membership number. This will be used for demographic purposes. *
Google scholar:
Select your Top 2 (two) areas of focus and interest: *
Student Learning & Development
College Student Access
College Student Success
Outcomes Assessment
Organization, Management, & Leadership
Faculty, Curriculum, & Teaching
Policy, Finance, & Economics
Society, Culture, & Change
First choice
Second choice
Select your methodological preferences  *
(Optional) Please rank your priority in mentorship matching:
Mentorship based on similar research interests
Mentorship based on similar research methodology
Mentorship based on same race/ethnicity
Mentorship based on same gender identity
First priority
Second priority
Third priority
Fourth priority
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(Optional) Please indicate, if applicable, other preferences in mentorship matching
The program structure includes at least 1 (one) meeting between October to December and 1 (one) meeting between January to April, and a meet-up at the 2023 AERA annual conference. Will you connect at least 3 (three) times in a year? This can be virtual, in-person, text, or call.  *
Are you able to attend the mentorship 2022 virtual reveal on Monday, October 17 at 2pm-3pm EST?  *
Next steps
When will I hear back? We hope to match mentors and mentees by mid-October.

For questions, reach out to

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