First Paso Podcast Guest Application
Thank you for your interest in being a potential guest on my show! I truly believe that every person has a story that needs to be heard, a story meant to propel someone else to take their First Paso.


What is a FIRST PASO?
Watch my 2-minute explanation here.

It is important to know who is being targeted prior to recording a podcast so you can visualize who you're speaking to. So, for this show, my TAP is:
an adult (18-45 YO)
feeling somewhat trapped or held back by life emotionally, mentally, financially, spiritually, & physically
living an unfulfilled life
trying to find the tools that would help them to shift their self-perception & break free of their shackled mindset
looking to collect the lessons others have extrapolated from their positive and negative life experiences to apply in their own lives and propel forward
dreaming of living their most fulfilled life for the rest of their life
wanting to embrace their wholeness, unlock their purpose, and walk free to be the best, most healed version of themselves
wanting to get (or is already) ready to do whatever it takes to make self-acceptance, complete fulfillment, joy, fearlessness, confidence, true love, and so much more their reality!
NOTE: This is not a faith-based podcast, however my TAP knows that I am a Christian, so faith/religion is allowed to be discussed if it fits your story.

If you would like to listen to the podcast (especially if you need an example of a guest episode), or have any questions, go to my website or the podcast.

If you believe your story fits my TAP, then fill out the form below for a potential opportunity to be on my show!
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First & Last name *
Email address *
Mobile phone number
In what age group are you? *
If you use social media, please provide links to your profiles below: (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)
In 150 words or less, please describe your top 1-3 first paso (first step) experiences. *
How did you hear about this podcast? *
Обязательный вопрос
If someone other than myself referred you for this opportunity, state who below:
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