FAWM 2023 Harmony Singers Challenge EP Release Form
With the goal of putting the songs from the 2023 FAWM Harmony Singers Challenge up on Bandcamp for distribution, I would like to have permission from all the participants of each song before including it on the release.

Your participation is appreciated.  If I do not get a release from all participants in a song, it will not go on the recording.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Social Media Link (I'd like to promote you!)
Name of Song(s) You Participated In *
Role *
We are planning on offering this on Bandcamp as a "Name Your Price" aka free download, but we assume that some people will be generous and pay money for this, and I intend to offer an proceeds to a charity that would reflect the spirit of the FAWM Community.  What would be your choice?
With my saying yes, I agree to allow Ken Mattsson to include the song I worked in in the Harmony Singers Challenge in FAWM 2023 to a recording that will be available on Bandcamp, By answering yes to this question, you will continue to hold your own copyright to your own work, but allow distribution in this format, and release him from any legal disputes regarding this EP. *
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