Intro to Distributed Computing

This brief survey will help us determine how well these lab activities help you learn about and be motivated by distributed computing using message passing.
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How confident are you that you can decompose a problem by having multiple processes perform a parallel loop?
Not confident at all
Very confident
پاک کردن انتخاب
How confident are you that you could describe the advantages and disadvantages of using message passing on a computing cluster to someone familiar with programming?
Not confident at all
Very confident
پاک کردن انتخاب
How confident are you that you can describe the use of point to point communication between processes to a person familiar with programming?
Not confident at all
Very confident
پاک کردن انتخاب
How confident are you that you can describe the use of collective communication between processes to a person familiar with programming?
Not confident at all
Very confident
پاک کردن انتخاب
How confident are you that you can describe what deadlock is and how to avoid it in message passing programs?
Not confident at all
Very confident
پاک کردن انتخاب
How engaged were you by the experience of working with a Raspberry Pi cluster?
Not engaged at all
Very engaged
پاک کردن انتخاب
To what extent did using a cluster of inexpensive small computers motivate you to learn more about parallel & distributed computing?
No increase in motivation
Highly motivated
پاک کردن انتخاب
Please provide any additional comments about your experience using Raspberry Pi clusters for parallel & distributed computing.
پاک کردن فرم
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این فرم در Macalester College ایجاد شده بود. گزارش سوءاستفاده