Application for 2023/24 IABC Edmonton Board of Directors
Want to join a team of dedicated professional communicators committed to the future of the profession? Join the IABC Edmonton's Board of Directors - and be part of the second largest chapter in the world!  Deadlines for applications is April 23. If you have questions, please send an email to 
Email *
Your First Name (or preferred name) *
Last Name *
Email Address *
What is your IABC Membership number (if applicable)?   Please note: If elected, a current IABC membership is required to participate on the board of directors
Which of the following position(s) are you interested in?  Please note, these positions may change and are not guaranteed.  Please indicate your general interest area.  *
What is your current (or most recent) role? *
Have you had any previous experience on a Board of Directors? (Please note previous board experience is not a requirement).
What interests you in being a part of the IABC Edmonton Board of Directors? *
In every role there is a responsibility to connect with members and volunteers - what is your approach to relationship management? *
Board terms (with the exception of the Vice President, President and Past President) are 2 years starting July 1, 2023 through to June 30, 2025. You will need to commit to fulfilling your board duties for the full 2 years.  Please indicate your acceptance of the term duration.  *
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