NLDN UK Conference 2023
Event Dates: August 10th - 13th, 2023
Event Address: Kings Park Conference Centre, Kings Park Rd, Moulton Park Industrial Estate, Northampton NN3 6LL
Contact us: Dawn +44 7961 001418 | Sandra +44 7434 504237 |

According to the Data Protection Act 2018 - all information is regarded as confidential and any data collected will be processed and disclosed only within the limits of the conference.

The National liturgical Dance Network and it's members cannot be held liable for any injury or other mishaps that may occur during the conference and associated workshops. If you have a medical condition that may affect your ability to take part in the conference, please seek medical advice beforehand and make organisers and workshop leaders aware. 

The National Liturgical Dance Network UK (NLDNUK) is a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) Registered Charity Number 1182829
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