Opera.ca's Emergency Artist Relief Fund is closed.
Opera.ca’s Emergency Artist Relief Fund is currently closed to new applications.

Opening on March 20, the fund was an immediate response to provide urgent funds to opera artists experiencing cash shortages for basic necessities as a result of lost engagements in the wave of mass cancellations due to COVID-19.

It has always been our intention to help as many opera artists who are in dire need as we can until the Canada Emergency Response Benefit, providing a benefit of $2,000 a month for up to 4 months, begins to flow. THE CERB PROGRAM IS NOW UP AND RUNNING and we are hearing reports that benefits are flowing very quickly from the time of application to receiving the funds.


***If for some reason, you are not eligible for CERB and are experiencing immediate cash shortages, please send an email to c_loewen@opera.ca with “Relief Fund” in the Subject line and we will respond with a link to the application form.***

We thank all the generous donors who contributed to this fund and helped us support artists when they needed it the most. 100% of all amounts raised were distributed to artists in need.

We are in extraordinary times, and every sector is making concessions to accommodate the COVID-19 crisis. Some of these measures may provide a reprieve to bill payments without penalty, legislation banning evictions, to rent grants, deferrals of tax payment, penalty-free missed mortgage payments, and more. A partial list of resources can be found here:

Listed resources for Canadian Opera Artists:

As well, if your financial difficulties are derived from a more longstanding or prolonged situation, you may benefit from services like those offered by the AFC, whose grants are connected with a more holistic approach to financial recovery, counselling and stabilization. https://afchelps.ca/ 

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