Contacting Chantelle Dean
Hello, I'm a third-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Design (Games) in Melbourne, Australia. My primary expertise lies in 3D modeling, but I am always eager to expand my skillset, especially in artistic areas within and beyond game development.
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2018: - Received the First Year Annual Award for VET Information Digital Media and Technology. - Earned the Performance Award for commitment, initiative, and personal development in Access Monash Mentoring. 2019: - Secured the Year 12 VCE Academic Award for VET Information Digital Media and Technology. - Graduated from Access Monash Mentoring. 2021: - Completed a 2-month intensive course with the PS4 DREAMS Engine Winter Program. 2023: - Collaborated as the lead 3D modeler on 'Reaprieve', a final year uni project. Check it out at:

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