2020 Worcester State Men's Soccer SID Form
This form is used to collect biographical information for WSULancers.com, emergency contact information, and NCAA-required demographic information. Please answer these questions in as much detail as possible.
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E-Mail-Adresse *
Full Name (First & Last) *
Preferred Name on Roster
This is how your name will appear in ALL Worcester State Athletics publications
Academic Class *
Based on number of credits earned
Athletic Class *
Based on years of eligibility remaining
Date of Birth *
Place of Birth (City & State) *
Preferred Pronouns *
Cell Phone Number *
Worcester State Email *
Race/Ethnicity *
For NCAA demographic research purposes only
Height *
Weight *
Hometown *
High School Attended *
High School Year of Graduation *
High School Location (City & State) *
Major(s) *
If applicable, please also include concentration(s)
Minor (if applicable)
Student ID Number *
Did you transfer into Worcester State? *
If yes, previous college/university, number of years attended, and sport(s) played, if applicable. If no, please put N/A. *
Street *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
If you live on campus, just put down the residence hall and room number. You do not need to put the rest of the campus address. If your college address is same as your permanent address, you may leave blank.
Residence Hall and Room Number or Street
Zip Code
In the event of emergency, we will notify:
Emergency Contact Name *
Relationship to Student-Athlete *
Phone Number(s) *
Please list at least one. If listing more than one, list in order you would like us to call.
Email *
Additional information that may be needed in case of emergency
This section will be primarily used to build your personal biography on WSULancers.com. If you are a returning student-athlete and are satisfied with your current bio, you may skip this section, but you are strongly encouraged to complete to form to maintain accuracy. The more detail you provide on these questions, the stronger your bio will look on the website.
Position *
Check at least one, but no more than two. If you play more than two, check your two primary positions.
Hometown Newspaper(s) *
Sport(s) Played in High School & Number of Years Played Varsity
High School Awards, Honors, and Major Accomplishments
All-Conference, state championships, school records, etc. -  PLEASE INCLUDE YEAR ACHIEVED FOR EACH HONOR
High School Mascot
Bears, Wildcats, etc. - NOT Wally the Green Monster
Parent(s) Name(s)
Names and Ages of Siblings
Are any of your family members current or former collegiate student-athletes?
Extended or immediate family - please indicate what sport they play(ed) and institution.
Why did you choose Worcester State?
Favorite spot on campus?
Any fun facts that might boost your website bio?
Newspapers are always looking for interesting stories about local student-athletes. That information is not easy to come by. If there is anything athletically or outside of the realm of athletics that you think people would find interesting about you please list it here. It could be a hobby, an experience, someone you are related to, etc.
The Worcester State University Athletic Department wishes to inform you that there is an inherent risk in participating in any varsity sport. This notice is to make sure you are aware and understand the risks involved. All athletes must have their own insurance coverage.
Health Insurance Company *
I have read and understand the above notice and information.
Full Name *
Date *
If you have any questions or difficulties completing this form, please contact Curtis Fraser at cfraser2@worcester.edu.
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