Disney+ Dramas Watched Survey
A survey about Disney+ dramas to see the viewership rate and our community's rating of Disney+ dramas.

Only Disney+ web dramas are included in this survey. This means that broadcast station dramas streamed exclusively on Disney+ are not included. For web dramas that were released in two parts, we have separated them into separate questions. 

Dramas are arranged by year of release from most recent (2024) to oldest (2022).

Please select from the drop down options of "Did Not Watch", "Dropped", or if you have completed it, a rating from 1 (Not Good At All) to 5 (Perfect). We know that people rate dramas differently, for the purposes of this survey we ask you to rate the dramas while considering all of the following aspects of the drama: (1) writing/script, (2) production quality (ie. cinematography, sound mixing), (3) acting, and (4) your enjoyment while watching the drama.

If you are currently in the midst of watching one, we ask that you either come back to edit your response (be sure to save the personalized url at the end in the submission acknowledgement page) or wait until you have finished it to take this survey.

Sections of the Survey
  • Basic Demographic Information
  • Disney+ Dramas Rating
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