Nurutako commissions request sheet
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Base price example (all prices are in USD)
IMPORTANT! Please do not ever add any kind of note to your payment!
The invoice will have all the information I need for my records and if you ever send any additional payments for any reason, do it WITHOUT adding any note to it. If you need to say something about the payment email me at
Terms of Service
By filling out this form and commissioning me for artwork you agree to the following terms:

1. I reserve the right to refuse any commission for any reason, including but not limited to personal discomfort with the subject material.
2. I am happy to draw the following!
   - LGBTQ+
   - SFW character art.
   - Pinups/softcore NSFW.
   - Consensual Hardcore NSFW.
   - Most kinks/fetishes are ok, just ask and I will let you know if it's inside my comfort zone.
3. The following material I will NOT draw:
   - NSFW content featuring characters that are underage or appear to be.
   - NSFW content featuring real people without said person(s) explicit written consent.
   - Gore
   - Noncon
   - Some of the more extreme fetish stuff, again just ask and I'll let you know if it crosses the line, no hard feelings.
4. Half and full body illustrations will be  300 DPI up to a maximum of 12" x 18" (3600 x 5400 px.).
5. If I accept your request, I will send you an invoice. 50% payment upfront is required (though full payment right away is appreciated)
6. Once payment is received I will begin work on your illustration and check-in at each step of the process.
7. All commissions are personal use only (though you are fee to share it on social media etc, just please credit me if you do). Art intended for commercial use will require an additional fee based on what kind of use you intend it for.
8. I retain the right to post the finished illustrations anywhere on my social media for the purpose of demonstrating my skill or advertising for future commissions. If you would prefer that I not post it anywhere you can request that I don't for an additional exclusivity fee.

Revisions Policy
All commissions include the following options for revisions:

-  1 round of major revisions during the sketch phase. If you'd like me to adjust the pose, etc, this is the time to request that. Once the sketch is approved, 1 additional round of minor corrections (e.g. color adjustments, missing minor details, etc.) is permitted to ensure you are satisfied with the final product.

-  Any further revisions after this  will be $35 ea.
Are you 18+? Absolutely no NSFW art can be requested by minors. *
What email address can I contact you with to send the invoice and final art. *
When I am ready to start your commission, you will receive a paypal invoice from "Artbox" (please check your spam when you do as my main emails tend to end up there)
Are you ok with me sharing the finished picture on social media? *
Note: I will only post pictures to my social media at my discretion if I feel like they fit in with the rest of my public work
If you answered that you would like a shoutout, what is your twitter username? (or whatever other platform you prefer)
Image type
Note: half body doesn't need to be the top half, happy to draw from the waist down too. (You can choose what level of color you want and any add-ons on the next page)
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