想要了解入學者 I would like to know about the admission.



3.在本校保有你(妳)的個資期間,你(妳)可依個人資料保護法規定於上班時間致電(07)615-8000轉1609, 1610, 1611(國兩處-國際組)行使你(妳)的個人資料保密之權利,本校將由專人為你(妳)服務。

Personal information collection statement

1. The personal information you leave here (name, mobile phone, mail, information you want to know) will be used for overseas enrollment activities or academic activities

2. The personal information provided by you is only used by this office for contact and admission counseling related information. Based on the principle of personal data protection, personal data will not be circulated to other units or used for purposes other than the above. Personal data will be deleted after providing enrollment promotional information.

3. During the period when the school holds your personal information, you can contact with (07)615-8000 ext. 1609, 1610, 1611 (Section of International Affairs) during working hours in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law You have the right to keep your personal information confidential, and our school will be dedicated to you.
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本人已充分閱覽及瞭解上述告知聲明事項,同意提供本人個人資料於,將會用於樹德科大招生活動或者是學術活動使用。 I have thoroughly read and understood the above statement, and I agree to provide my personal information for use in enrollment or academic activities organized by Shu-Te University. *
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