YSF IRC Summer Sailing Staff Application
Required Form to apply to be a summer sailing instructor. This year there will be a staff training prior to the start of the season.
E‑mail *
Full Name
Primary Address *
Birth Date - Must be 15 before 6/1 to apply *
Phone Number *
Email *
How long have you been sailing? *
Have you coached prior to applying for this job? *
If yes on previous question. What programs types have you coached for? 
Do you have your US Sailing Level 1 Certification? *
Date of Level 1 in person class
What level are you most comfortable teaching? This may be taken into account when assigning classes. *
Scenario 1: You are teaching intro to sailing classes. You have a young sailor who refuses to attempt to drive the boat. How would you go about getting this sailor to drive? *
Scenario 2: You are planning on teaching your sailors how to tack. How would you make sure that a tack is explained and experienced prior to the sailors getting on the water? *
Are you able to make it to staff training/ Work Week from 5/30/23-6/1/23? *
When are you available to work? *
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