Survey of Liturgical Life at Newman
Help us identify ways to improve our liturgy by completing this short survey.  We'll let you know what we find out. Thank you in advance for your input!! 
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What drew you to Newman Hall - Holy Spirit Parish?   (i.e., Why did you return after your first visit?) *
What are you primarily seeking at Newman? *
Which Sunday Mass do you attend most regularly? *
Would any of the following make the Mass more spiritually meaningful to you?  (check all that apply)
Which of the following types of Liturgical music would you like to hear at Mass?
What is your opinion of the liturgical dance tradition at Newman (typically at Triduum and Pentacost Masses)? *
Are you...  (please select the option that best describes you) *
Would you attend a Spanish Mass at Newman on Sundays at 12:30pm? *
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