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Survey of Liturgical Life at Newman
Help us identify ways to improve our liturgy by completing this short survey. We'll let you know what we find out. Thank you in advance for your input!!
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What drew you to Newman Hall - Holy Spirit Parish? (i.e., Why did you return after your first visit?)
Presence of students
Social justice outreach
Opportunities for spiritual growth
A particular priest
What are you primarily seeking at Newman?
Spiritual nourishment in the Mass & Eucharist
Worship and prayer - express my faith, connect with God
Help and encouragement in times of need
Spiritual learning and growth (e.g., homilies, classes, retreats)
A sense of community and belonging
Good music and hymns
Opportunities to fulfill Catholic obligations and practices
Which Sunday Mass do you attend most regularly?
Saturday, 5 PM Vigil
Sunday, 8 AM
Sunday, 10 AM
Sunday, 5 PM
Sunday, 9 PM
Would any of the following make the Mass more spiritually meaningful to you? (check all that apply)
Entrance procession with the cross
Offertory procession of gifts and collections
Longer periods of silence for reflection after each reading
Meditative instrumental music
Chanting the Responsorial Psalm by congregation
Including the musical notes with choral pieces so all can join in.
Short prepared talk by a parishioner after Mass at various times throughout the year
Facilitated conversations about the readings and homily after Mass
Which of the following types of
Liturgical music
would you like to hear at Mass?
Praise and Worship
Contemporary Hymns (e.g., Breaking Bread hymnal)
Mariachi, other Latin American music
Tradition English Language Hymns (i.e., Worship or Gather Hymnals)
Music from other countries/cultures
Classical, e.g. Bach, Vivaldi, etc.
Polyphonic Music (e.g., Motet)
Gregorian Chant
I have no particular preference
What is your opinion of the liturgical dance tradition at Newman (typically at Triduum and Pentacost Masses)?
In favor
No opinion
Not in favor
Are you... (please select the option that best describes you)
undergraduate student
current graduate student
young adult (aged 20s/30s)
permanent parishioner
Would you attend a Spanish Mass at Newman on Sundays at 12:30pm?
Yes, but not at 12:30pm
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