Craft & Vintage Vendor Application                        For Davis Craft and Vintage Fair 2021
General Information:
- Please visit our website at for all the information needed to know before filling out this application.

- Each event will have a separate invitation list and waiting list and we will need to balance requests so that we have a wide variety of vendors for each. If you are added to the invitation list, you will receive an invitation 2 weeks prior to the event with a link to reserve your 10'x10’ spot with a non-refundable $20 fee. Those placed on a waiting list could be invited at anytime up until 2 days before an event. Invitations will include vendor instructions and information via email that will help guide you to success at the fair.

Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Your Email Address *
Your First Name (Contact Name) *
Your Last Name (Contact Name) *
Business Name *
Contact Phone Number [e.g. (123) 456-7890] *
Phone - Are text messages okay? *
Your Address Including City
California Seller's Permit Number *
City of Davis Business License Number *
Vendor Type *
If you selected OTHER, please describe.
Description of what you plan to sell *
What percentage of your items for sale will be hand crafted by you? *
What percentage of your items for sale will be vintage, or more than 25 years old? *
Do you have a canopy to set up outside the pavilion if we are full? *
Where can we find you on social media? (Please include Facebook, Instagram, and/or website) *
Check the dates you are interested in attending as a vendor for 2022:
If you live or work in Davis, will you set up and take down lawn signs to advertise? (Set out one week prior and take down by the day after the event) *
How will you help advertise our events? *
What other way can you help with these all-volunteer events?
 (Examples of needed help: Help set up and take down of band area audience chairs and canopy, sweep or blow debris out of walkway and spaces, help clean up after event, check bathrooms before we start, remind folks to move their vehicles, watch your neighbor’s tables while they shop/use restroom/get food, liaison and represent us with media entities like Channel 10.)
Please fill the answer to the question above. *
Where did you learn about the Davis Craft & Vintage Fair?
Anything else you would like to share?
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