Teen Volunteer Interest Form
WDCSP could not be what it is without our Teen Volunteers. You are a vital part of our program, and past volunteers have set the bar tremendously high. That being said, we know that the experience is not all work and there is a lot of fun to be had! Please read the below guidelines to make sure this is a good fit for you! 

Guidelines for Volunteers 
  • Volunteers are assigned to a cast, and are expected to stay with their cast during rehearsal time. Only exceptions are if specifically asked by a staff member to help in another area. 
  • Volunteers are asked that if they are going to be missing any rehearsals, we just ask that they let their show staff know as soon as they are able to. We understand conflicts and sickness, we just ask to be notified. 
  • Volunteers are expected to be good role models for performers, which means no inappropriate language or poor behavior choices around the performers. 
  • Volunteers are expected to dress appropriately for the summer when at rehearsals. 
  • Volunteers are expected to speak to performers in a kind, caring, and constructive way. 
  • Volunteers are expected to respect their show staff, and any additional creative staff, they are going to be working with throughout the show process. 
  • Volunteers are expected to keep their focus on the activities and show, and please minimize unnecessary cell phone use. 
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Current School & Grade September 2023
Please provide an email address and phone number for contact purposes. 
Please provide the name and phone number of a guardian for emergency purposes during the summer.
Acknowledgements of Guidelines
Which cast/team would you prefer to work with? 
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Please describe your previous experiences with WDCSP. 
Please explain why you would be a good Teen Volunteer. 
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