2024 Attillo R. & Myrtle L. Jackson and Victor E. Award & the Dorothy M. McIntosh Macintosh Award Nomination Form
These two awards were established in honor of the parents of our donors, who like to remain anonymous. Each year one student is selected for each award. These awards recognize students each year who have advanced to candidacy and whose outstanding meritorious service to humanity is continually demonstrated by ongoing acts of generosity and kindness.
Separate from the awards, funding from these donors is used to support activities not supported by our federal NIH award i.e. international travel, workshops, etc. In past years, the donors have attended our in-person April monthly meetings to meet the awardees. The awards will be presented to the winners at the joint (UMBC and UMB) monthly meeting will be held on April 10, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. at UMBC.
Please submit your nomination(s) by Friday, February 23, 2024