ASPIRA Schools Food and Nutrition Services is seeking your feedback regarding our meal distribution efforts.  Please answer the following questions so that we may better service you and your children's needs.
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#1 - Which ASPIRA School does you child attend (choose all that apply)
#2 - Are you picking up meals at an ASPIRA School?
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#3 - If No, are you picking up meals at a location closer to home?
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#4 - From which school are you picking up meals?
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#5 - If you are picking up meals from one of our ASPIRA Schools, how satisfied are you with the selection and quality of the items provided for breakfast and lunch?
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#6 - What changes could ASPIRA Schools of PA do to make it more convenient for you to pick up meals? (Check all that apply)
#7 - If you checked any of the changes above, please provide a brief description of the changes you would like to see.
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