NAAF Scouting Report
The only requirements are a name and a position. The rest is fun and I will try to get as many of these in as I can. You should be able to exit and re enter a second player after you've completed so on.

PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT ACTUAL PEOPLE YOU KNOW, OR YOURSELF. It does not sit right with me, I would prefer to not use actual people. Now, you can be inspired by someone you know or use a first or last name of course, but just try to refrain from directly submitting a someone you know, that would be greatly appreciated. This also goes from submitting people or characters directly from other media, whether it be shows, movies, books, or games, etc. 
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Name *
Position *May be subject to change based on the amount of players already at a position* I try to do what I can with QBs as they are the most popular position, but I will do my best to give everyone at least one good to great QB *
Preferred Number *
Format: City, ST (or PV) (eg. Worcester, MA)
Path to the NAAF
Play Style - You can go in depth, or just give some basic archtypes, a good balance is to have two good traits with one weakness
Scout Name: *I will use the scout name that you sent in the first time; if you wish to change the name make note of that. You can leave this blank if you don't remember the name I will have the previous one on record.
AHS Username (So I can know who made the players)
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