Educator Classroom Resources Survey
Thank you for sharing your responses in the survey below about culturally-sustaining teaching, and classroom censorship policies and proposals. Your responses will be kept confidential. We will use your responses to create lesson plans and teaching materials to help teachers and students in their classrooms. These materials will be designed to be "culturally sustaining," meaning they focus on and uplift diverse cultures to ensure all students see themselves and their communities reflected in their courses.

Classroom censorship policies are laws and rules that try to stop teachers and students from discussing truthful history, the way historical injustice impacts the present, and the real lives of students of color, LGBTQ+ students, and others.

Note: We call these measures "classroom censorship" instead of "critical race theory" because attempts to block students from learning the real truth about history and that limit student civic participation are censorship. These types of bills only divide our country further and are harmful to all students. Learn more at
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Email *
How would you identify your position in the school community? *
Have you received guidance from your school, school district, or state about laws or rules that would limit or restrict specific content from being taught in classrooms?   *
Have you received guidance from a professional association, advocacy organization, or coalition about  laws or rules that would limit or restrict specific content from being taught in classrooms?   *
Censorship policies in my state or school district have had an impact on (please check all that apply) *
If you selected "other," please explain why below
What curricular or instructional resources or tools would be helpful for teachers in your school(s) to have in order to feel prepared to talk about history, social justice issues, racial justice issues, current events, controversial topics, and other challenging issues? (select all that apply) *
If you selected "other," please explain which types of materials would be most helpful below.
What topics do teacher need more resources and tools to teach about in schools? (check all that apply) *
Please use the space below to elaborate on your answer above about resources and materials teachers need. Please be as specific as possible when naming topics so that we can create targeted materials to support educators. *
Are your students currently asking for lessons about identity, history, current events, discrimination etc? *
If you selected "yes," what are they asking for and how are you responding? *
Is there anything else you would like to share about the impact of censorship laws and policies, and the types and topics of teaching materials that would be most useful in schools?
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