Family Scavenger Hunt post-Kulanu
Stay after Kulanu on Saturday, November 22nd for a family-friendly scavenger hunt throughout Central Park! Each family will voyage through the park in search of treasures. This will be a masked, socially-distant program. Please see our health and safety protocols here (
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Email Address *
Full Name *
In order to participant in this event each family member must fill out a health screening form before entry. You will receive this form 24 hours prior to the event. *
Upon entry into any Family Life and Learning events, all participants will be given a temperature check. If a participant shows a temperature above 99, the participant will be sent home. *
Will anyone else be joining you? *
For the purpose of these quarantine guidelines, exposure is defined as any person who has been within six feet of a person diagnosed with COVID-19 for at least 10 minutes, without proper PPE.
Quarantine for Travel
All families and staff must follow NYS guidelines to quarantine for 14 days when returning from a state or country on the NYS travel advisory list, regardless of whether or not there are symptoms present.
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