2023-24:  SHARE A SMILE..."A warm smile is the universal language of kindness." ~William A. Ward
"Share A Smile" is SD 308's way to send words of encouragement, notes of appreciation, thank yous, a "smile", etc., to any staff member. Help give a "smile" to someone today.
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Are you an employee of SD 308?
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Are you a parent/guardian, a community member, or a student *
First Name of individual you are sending Share A Smile to: *
Last Name of individual you are sending Share A Smile to: *
Is this individual an employee or a teacher? *
Email of individual you are sending Share A Smile to:  (If you need to look up the email of the employee, please go to: sd308.org/StaffDirectory) *
Building: *
Share A Smile message to be sent to individual: *
From *
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