MHF Herb Grower Collaborative Application
Thank you for your interest joining the Meeting House Farm Herb Grower Collaborative! 

We're excited to learn more about you, your farm, and your growing practices.

Please fill out the form below and we will reach out with next steps in the application process. 

Once approved, growers have 3 options for membership with us - The Herbal Marketplace, The Community Growers or The Nurture Farm Program. You can learn more about each membership here.

Thank you for your interest in joining our grower family!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your name/names *
Please provide your mailing address. *
Please provide your phone number. *
What is the name of your farm/business? *
Where is your farm/business located? (town, state) *
How did you hear about the Meeting House Farm Herb Grower Collaborative? *

Would you consider yourself...  (please check all that apply)

Please describe your growing philosophy and general growing practices. *
Are you certified organic?  
     If yes, by which organization (for example, MOFGA, NOFA-NY, etc.).
     If not, are you interested in becoming certified this growing season?
Do you have a dry room? If not, what is your current drying process? *
In Maine, we have a home processing licensure requirement. Do you currently have this or your states equivalent? *

Please describe your vision & goals for herb growing, your farm and/or your business over the next few years.

What are you growing this season?
Is there a plant you would like to add to your farm but don't have the market for? *

How much did you grow last season? 

     Please share 

     1. Dried herbs or roots by weight 

     2. Fresh herbs or roots by weight

If you didn't grow herbs last season write n/a


How much and what varieties are you interested in selling through the collaborative?

What is your relationship to healing plants? *
What do you hope to bring to the collaborative? *
What do you hope to gain from the collaborative? *
Please share your website. 
     If no website, write n/a
Please share your Facebook page. 
     If no Facebook page, write n/a
Please share your instagram handle. 
     If no IG, please write n/a
Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?
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