MGR Welcome Survey
Thank you for expressing your interest in MGR!

We are very excited to get to know everyone and connect throughout the year!

To get a better sense of your availability, participation, interests, and ambitions, please fill out this survey and we will work to tailor the COVID19-adapted programming to your needs.

In previous years, we would convene monthly over dinner in groups of ~15 with a distinguished guest to discuss current medical matters. We want to keep the spirit of conversation and curiosity going strong, and there is certainly a lot to discuss on these topics today! We aim to provide mixed in-person with virtual connection options for each event, depending on your feedback.

This form is optional to those who attended in-person, as we got your feedback already!

Warm regards,
Krish & Anastasia, MGR Co-Chairs 2020/21
Paul, Victoria, & Liam, MGR Directors 2020/21

Massey Grand Rounds (MGR) was founded in 2006 to nourish members of the Massey College community with insights from medical and scientific leaders. Massey Grand Rounds convenes monthly during the  academic term and serves as a discussion forum for topics  related to medicine, the health sciences, and issues of interest to students. The group is guided by mentor Dr. Aubie Angel, C.M., MD, MSc, FRCPC, FCAHS.

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Please provide your email if you are new and still need to add yourself to the mailing list. Your consent to being contacted by MGR will be automatically implied when you provide your email.
First and Last name (leave blank to remain anonymous)
Massey College Affiliation
Field of study
Year of study
Career interests (e.g. Academia, policy, medical practice, entrepreneurship)
What extent of meeting are you comfortable with? (in compliance with regulations)
What times are you available to meet? (in-person or tune in online)
Are you interested in joining an online discussion channel?
Do you have any special guests you would like to invite for the year? Please list their name(s), affiliation, and website if available.
What do you consider to be a "hot topic" to debate in the health/medical world today?
Are you interested in "virtual coffee chats" in small groups via Zoom? With other JF, or with mentors?
Do you have any suggestions or topics of interest for this year's MGR Symposium and Janet Rossant Lecture?
Would you like to join the 2021 MGR Symposium organizing committee?
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