NACURH 2024 Educational Sessions Submission Form 
Please fully complete this application to the best of your abilities. Educational Sessions are 40-45 minute long presentations that are relevant within the A.G.E.S Tracks. We are excited to learn about what you have to share! 
PREFERRED DEADLINE: May 3rd, 2024 at 11:59pm 
HARD DEADLINE: May 10th, 2024 at 11:59pm 
All educational presenters must be registered for the conference. 
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Please note: listing all  presenters here will ensure no one gets double booked when presenting. 
Presenter 1: First and Last Name *
Presenter 1: Pronouns  *
Presenter 1: Email  *
Is presenter 1 an advisor, delegate, or sponsor?  *
Presenter 2: First and Last Name 
Presenter 2: Pronouns 
Presenter 2: Email 
Presenter 3: First and Last Name 
Presenter 3: Pronouns 
Presenter 3: Email 
Are there any accommodations you, as the presenter, need? If yes, explain.  *
What institution are you affiliated with?  *
Educational Sessions Tracks 
  • Advocacy covers anything that relates to advocating, standing up for, creating change for the better for your residents and the residential/ on campus living community, etc.  

  • Gratitude includes recognition, so anything that relates to showing gratitude to staff, for example or recognizing an individual, group, action, program, etc. The  

  • Engagement track can include information on basically anything that engages the community programming, member retention, etc.  

  • Service, this track can include any philanthropic services, the services that work best for you, how you’ve served the community, etc.  

Educational Track:  *
What is the title of your session?  *
What is the maximum number of attendees your educational session can accommodate? Please note: rooms will be set up in classroom style and chairs/tables may be immobile.  *
Would you like to present your educational session in multiple session blocks? *
Please provide the abstract for your session.  (Attention Grabber/brief session description - 100 words maximum)  *
What are three learning objectives are you hoping students will learn by attending your session?  *
Please outline your presentation here.  *
What technological equipment or classroom accommodations do you require for your session? (Example: projector, speakers, portable chairs - please be specific) *
Is there any additional information you would like us to know? 
Thank you for your interest in presenting at this year's NACURH Annual Conference Educational Sessions. If you submit the form by May 3rd, then you will receive a response the week of May 6th. If you submit the form by May 10th, then you will receive a response the week of May 13th. To create your presentation, please use the template that is linked on the NACURH website.
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