EVOKE Abundant Leaders Mastermind Application
Hello Love, I can't wait to begin this journey with you! Please complete the questions below,, this will help both of us gain clarity, while allowing space for what comes through naturally when we connect.

Answer each of these questions as clearly and thoughtfully as possible, expressing the best of who you are. These questions designed to make our work together even more meaningful.

Once completed, I'll personally reach out to schedule a one:one call with you so we can determine your best path to move forward! 

We begin June 2024 and I can hardly wait to connect with you to share in all the details, retreats, vision and mission for this group!

Thank you.
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E-mail *
Name *
Phone Number
What are you most passionate about? *
If you could create anything for your life over the next year, and money or time were unlimited, what would you create? Include your personal and professional life. *
What is the impact you would like to make in your community / your country / the world? *
What would make your life more fulfilling? *
What transitions/challenges have you faced that became your biggest growth opportunities. *
How do you like to celebrate, honor and treat yourself? *
What support do you need most right now *
Is there anything else you want me to know about you? *
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