If you’d like to express interest in attending one of our free mental health first aid courses (MHFA) - complete the form in the link below to express your interest.

MHFA is the help provided to a person who: is developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of a mental health problem, or in a mental health crisis.

Learn MHFA skills to help assist your workmates and industry!

(NB: you can view our Privacy Policy here:
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Full Name *
Email *
Mobile *
Please confirm that you are 18yo or older (NB: course participants are required to be 18 or over) *
What is your primary job in the screen sector? (short text field response) *
Which state/territory are you primarily based? *
What best describes the area you are primarily based? *
Briefly describe why you'd like to become a MHFAider (i.e. your personal motivation, and/or industry need for this training)  *
Briefly describe the potential benefits of having MHFAid skills in preventing and responding to mental health challenges in your screen workplace(s) or screen community (i.e. the impact you'll be able to make by having these skills) *
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