Disney Raffle Ticket Order
Thank you for interest in our Raffle Fundraiser! 
Our Elite program will be traveling throughout the year to Texas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Florida! Your support helps cover our programs travel fees! 
We have partnered with Lindsey from Cato Travels to make this Disney Vacation possible and it is fully customizable! 
The basics: 5 nights at a Value Disney Resort with sunny Orlando Florida! Must travel by 10/2025
Flights included with 4 days one park tickets for a family of up to 4 included! This is up to a $7000 value! 

Tickets are $10 each!

Please fill out the following form to place ticket order. Payment options included. 
Tickets Sales will end of Nov 1 
Drawing will be held during Elite Allstar practice/showcase on Nov 3 and posted to our gyms Facebook page Luxe Athletics! 

For questions, concerns or additional information please email 

*** IF YOUR CASHAPP FAILS, please EMAIL me directly. Thank you! 
Thank you!  - Michelle, VP Luxe Booster Club
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Your Phone Number: *
Your Email: *
Number of Tickets: *
Athlete at Luxe you Supporting:  *
If you would like to support general program, please state "General" thank you!
Payment Options:  *
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