What is "bad writing"?
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How do you define "bad writing"? *
Can you share an example of "bad writing," like a particular novel, poem, passage, line, etc.? (This question is NOT REQUIRED. If you can't think of any examples, feel free to pass!)
Please rank the aspects of storytelling from MOST to LEAST important for your personal enjoyment of a story. *
Character Development
First choice (most important)
Second choice
Third choice
Fourth choice (least important)
Can you enjoy a story even if you think the writing is bad? *
No, never. If the writing is bad, I can't enjoy the story.
Yes, definitely. Other aspects can make up for bad writing.
If the writing IS bad, what specifically in a story can make up for it?? (This question is NOT REQUIRED. So feel free to skip it if you don't think bad writing can be overcome!)
Have you ever DNF'd a book for bad writing? (DNF = did not finish) *
How often do you DNF books? *
Have you ever "hate-read" a story? (Loosely defined as reading something you know you'll dislike because you enjoy critiquing or making fun of it.) *
How would you currently rate your own writing? *
The worst thing you've ever read.
The best thing you've ever read.
Which book do you think exemplifies AMAZING writing and why?? (This question is NOT REQUIRED. If you can't think of any examples, feel free to pass.)
Would you rather be forced to finish a poorly written... *
Have you ever read a book with bad writing in order to analyze and learn from it, as a sort of "what not to do" for your own writing? *
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