Prepositions - 25
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition.
Адрас электроннай пошты *
Full Name: *
1. The sergeant deserved his elevation ____ lieutenant.
1 бал
2. He is about to embark ____ a new business venture.
1 бал
3. The actor is famous ____ his elocution.
1 бал
4. The old mansion was furnished ____ great elegance.
1 бал
5. The meeting ended ____ 10 o’clock.
1 бал
6. The mother was embarrassed ____ her child’s bad behavior.
1 бал
7. The heated situation was handled ____ extraordinary restraint.
1 бал
8. The emission of radio signals was interrupted ____ a power failure.
1 бал
9. Most visitors to London are enamored ____ the city.
1 бал
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