Reading Chinese School Student Registration Form
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学校校规: 1. 学生要按时到校上课和报到,如若提前离校,必须有任课老师的认可同意。2. 学生因病或其它事宜不能前来上课,请家长至少提前一天通知学校或任课老师。3. 在校期间,学生不可以擅自使用教室的电教设备和仪器。下课后,不允许攀爬窗户和去楼顶。4. 学生自己的衣物和物品应由自己负责保管。任课老师可以协助照看小班同学的衣物和物品。5. 学生不允许在课上吃,喝东西,如有生病等特殊情况,请家长提前告知教师。课间休息期间,如需吃东西,请学生和家长自觉把垃圾和地面碎屑扔到垃圾箱内以保持学校环境的卫生整洁。6. 学生不允许在教室内和走廊里追跑打斗。不允许大喊大叫,攀爬扶手和楼梯栏杆。7. 请家长大力支持学校组织的各种活动,积极配合任课老师的工作,例如督促检查孩子的课后作业。8. 上课期间,家长不允许等候在教室外。如遇特殊情况,需要面见老师,请放低声音,不要影响到其他学生上课。9. 请家长和学生尊重老师的工作,保持学校的整洁和维护学校的荣誉。请家长们通力配合,给学校提供一个良好的教与学的环境。School Rules1. Children should arrive at school on time, and register with the class teacher after arriving. They needpermission from the teacher if leaving school early.2. Children should inform the class teacher at least one day before, where possible, if he/she cannot attend theclass due to illness or other reasons.3. Children are not allowed to touch the Audio-visual or other equipment in the classrooms. They must notclimb the windows or get onto the building roof.4. Children are responsible for their own clothes and properties during school time. Teachers will only help tolook after possessions for the beginners’ class.5. Children are not allow to eat or drink during the class time, unless for health-related issues and parentsshould inform the teacher beforehand. If eating during breaktime, children or their parents must pick upresides of food, litter etc, and must keep the school clean and tidy.6. Children must not run around or chasing each other in the classroom and in the corridor. No shouting, noclimbing the handrails and the railings on the stairs.7. Parents should support the school’s teaching activities and other culture events, for example, to check andsign on children’s homework.8. Parents are not allowed to wait outside the classroom area for their children. If they need to see the classteacher, they must keep their voice down so not to affect other students.9. Parents and students should respect the School and its environment and work together to foster a goodenvironment for teaching and learning and to maintain the good credibility of the school.I have read, understood the above school rules, and agree to follow the rules with my child.本人经已阅读及了解上述学校规则,并同意和我的孩子一起遵守这些规则。 *
退学以及退费规则 Withdrawal and Refund Policy:      学生家长可以在任何阶段提出退学请求。学费不退返,除非是在第一个学期的 中期假期(half term)之前退学的, 退费金额则为全年学费的 5/6, 再扣除退学手续费 £20。Withdrawal & Refund Policy: Students can withdrawal at any time, however refund of school fee will be only given if the withdrawal request was made to the school within the first 6 weeks. The refund will be 5/6 of the paid fee deducted the admin charge which is 20 pounds. *
Without your consent to the above school rules,  we are not able to proceed with your registration to our school. Apologies if this has caused any inconvenience. 如果没有您对以上学校规则的统一,我们很遗憾将无法为您注册学位。
Section 1) Student Information 学生资料
1.1 English Family Name 英文姓氏 (same as passport 按护照) *
1.2 English First Name 英文名字  (same as passport 按护照) *
1.3 Chinese Name 中文名字(if have, 如有)
1.4 Nick Name 别名 (also known as)
1.5 Year of Birth 出生年
1.5 Month of Birth 出生月
1.5 生日日期 Date of Birth
1.6 Gender 性别 *
1.7 请填写目前所在班級  which class are you currently in  (Class Code ): *
1.8 请填写預計今年九月份的班級  which class will you be going (Class Code ): *
1.9 Occupation 职业 (for Adult Student 成人学生)
1.10 Special needs (also includes health, dietary) 特殊需求,请在此包括特殊健康情况以及饮食禁忌 *
Section 2) Contact Information 联系方式
2.1 Primary Contact Email 主要联系电子邮件 *
2.2 Primary Phone number 电话号码 *
2.3 Home Address 家庭地址 *
Section 3) 家长/监护人资料 PARENT / GUARDIAN DETAILS
Put 'NA' in below fields if you are registering as adult student (over 18 years )
3.1 家长/监护人-1: 姓名 Parent/Guardian-1 Name *
3.2 家长/监护人-1 与学生的关系 Relationship *
3.3 家长/监护人-1: 职业 Occupation *
3.4 家长/监护人-1:电邮地址 Email Address *
3.5 家长/监护人-1: 联系电话 Phone Number *
3.6 家长/监护人-2: 姓名 Parent/Guardian 2: Family Name, First Name
3.7 家长/监护人-2:与学生的关系 Relationship
3.8 家长/监护人-2: 职业 Occupation
3.9 家长/监护人-2: 电邮地址 Email Address
3.10 家长/监护人-2: 联系电话 Phone Number
(如果與家長/監護人信息相同,請略過此部分。Skip this section if using same information  as  parent/guardian's)
紧急联系人1: 名字 Emergency Contact-1: Name
紧急联系人-1: 电话号码 Emergency Contact -1: Phone
紧急联系人 -2: 名字 Emergency Contact-2: Name
紧急联系人-2: 电话号码 Emergency Contact-2: Phone
Section 5) Fees and terms
学年学费 School Fee (per school year) *
学费支付方式 School Fee Payment Method 请在开学第一节课时将付费截屏或者支票交给班主任。Please sumit your payment screenshot, cheque to the class teacher during the 1st lesson in September.
1. Bank Transfer 银行转账

Account Name: Reading Chinese School
(Business Account)
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-96-96
Account number: 01402495

2.Pay by Cheque 支票支付

支票抬头请写   Cheque Payment : please make cheque payable to
Reading  Chinese School
Please remark at the back of the cheque with: student Name + Surname
考试费用 Examination Fee (HSK / YCT / GCSE / A Level)
Additional fee will be charged should the student opt for taking GCSE / A level HSK or YCT exam. Details please refer to our website. HSK/YCT汉语水平等级考试需要另外收费。详情参阅网站: http://www.readingchineseschool.org.uk/
数据保护 Data Protection : The School may occasionally take photos of students for publicity purposes or upload onto social media sites such as our website,Wechat, WhatsApp, Facebook or Youtube. If you do not want images of your child appear in our publicity materials, please make sure you inform the School separately in written format. 学校有时会在课堂或者活动过程中拍照,然后分享到学校网站, 或者社交平台例如微信,whatsapp, Facebook, Youtube 等 如果您不希望您的孩子照片被分享,请务必书面通知学校。For further details please refer to our website  请参阅学校网站数据保护条约: http://www.readingchineseschool.org.uk/rcs-data-protection-policy.html 
同意拍照 Photo Consent *
Both parents can access student information being hold in RCS for example the school reports and school photo album. If disagreed, please contact school in written format for further explanation. 父母亲双方享受同等的权利可以查看学生在RCS学校的信息,例如学生报告,学校相册。如有异议,敬请书面联系校方并解释特殊情况。 *
请确认此学生注册表格填写内容属实无误。学生姓名:Please Confirm all above given information is correct for the student whose name is (write down the name again): *
家长/监护人姓名(填写表格本人)Parent/Guardian's Name (the person who is filling this form): *
If you are new student, please use Wechat to scan below QR code to request permission to join the RCS School Wechat Group, there will be important and essential guidance provided once you joined. 新生请扫码申请加入雷丁中文学校家校微信群。
If you are new student, please use Wechat to scan below QR code to request permission to join the RCS School Wechat Group, there will be important and essential guidance provided once you joined. 新生请扫码申请加入雷丁中文学校家校微信群。
点击以下‘提交’表格,代表本人确认以上所填写资料属实无误 By clicking submit, I confirm all given information by me are correct.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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