Tutor Candidate Eligibility
The Center for Academic Excellence welcomes your interest in becoming a peer tutor for the Undergraduate Tutorial Program (UTP) at Hofstra University! To be considered for this position, you must:
  • Have sophomore class standing or higher.
  • Have a minimum 3.25 GPA (minimum 3.5 GPA if graduate student) and be in good standing.
  • Have earned a minimum grade of B+ in the course(s) for which you plan to tutor.  Note: transfer, IB, and AP credits may not be applicable. Special consideration is given to candidates fluent in a language, but will require completion of Hofstra's Language Placement Exam and/or endorsement by an appropriate Hofstra faculty member.
  • Be available for the entire semester (a minimum of 10 hours per week is ideal). Students expect to work with a tutor from the point they request assistance until the end of the semester.
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