Calvins Dedication Submission Form
As you might have noticed, we have reintroduced simple colored bulletins into use for our Sunday morning worship services. And just like when we previously had bulletins back before COVID, people will once again be able to have dedications placed into the bulletins in celebration, or memory of a special event or individual.  
Dedications can be made using the printed form on the able just outside the sanctuary, or online, at a suggested donation of $15.00 ( which is used to offset printing costs) and if you don't have $15, don't worry. Just give what you can. 

If received electronically it needs to be submitted no later than the Wednesday prior to the date that you wish the dedication to appear in the bulletin. 

Donation of money can be simply placed in the offering plate, with a note of what it is for. 
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Date you would like the dedication placed into bulletin:
What would you like the dedication to read? 
Dedication submitted on behalf of:
Your name and contact information (in case of need of clarification)
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