@banjelerp's Commission Request Form
So you'd like me to do some art for you, eh? To help me get a better picture of what you're asking from me, fill out the form below, and I'll add you to the list!

Please be sure to read the Terms & Conditions at the bottom before submitting your request!  You can check my queue here: https://trello.com/b/gDDOpwNP/banjelerps-commission-queue

Updated: July 2021
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Email *
What's your name? *
Twitter handle, if applicable
Here you will find examples of what I offer.  Use the following questions to tell me what you are interested in commissioning.  (Right-click on the image and click "See in new tab" for a more detailed view.)
Select a commission choice: *
All prices are USD.  If you are looking for more than one character to be drawn, please use the Other option and tell me more.
Tell me about the character(s) you're looking to have drawn: *
Be as descriptive as possible.  Tell me a bit about their personality, their features (eye colour, hair colour/length, etc), body type, and how old they look.  Also let me know if you have a particular pose in mind for this piece.
If you have any references or mood boards, like Pinterest, link them below. References are heavily encouraged, but not required:
If there is a deadline, enter it below.  If not, skip this question.
Banjelerp's Terms & Conditions
- 50% is to be paid upfront as a deposit and to confirm your spot in my commission queue.
- The remaining 50% will be paid upon delivery and approval of the final product via a low-resolution image, after which you will be sent a high-resolution image when payment is confirmed.
- +Prices indicate a surcharge if the character design is extremely detailed or intricate.
- A surcharge will be applied to any characters I will be designing for the first time.
- All payment is to be sent via PayPal.  An email will be provided to you once you have agreed to commission me.
- If you would like to tip me afterwards, please do so via Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/A352FLP Tips aren't necessary, but they are always appreciated. ♥

- I reserve the right to refuse any commission.
- I reserve the right to issue a refund and cancel a commission due to poor communication or rude/inappropriate behavior.
- I retain all rights to the commissioned artwork, including the rights to distribution.
- I retain the right to display all commissioned work on any personal website, gallery, or journal. If the commissioned work is time-sensitive, the artist can delay public display of the art at the request of the client.
- You may not re-distribute, reproduce, or sell the artist’s work or profit from the digital artwork.
- Files will be uploaded to Dropbox and will remain available for download for 3 months.  Afterwards, they will be deleted to preserve storage space.  If you wish to gain access to the files again, please send me an email request.
- You may exhibit the work online/offline as long as credit is given. Informing me about the exhibit is not necessary but appreciated.
- If you are planning to print the commissioned work, please tell me ahead of time so I may use the proper dimensions.
- You may resize/crop the commissioned artwork to create icons, wallpapers or other graphics to be used in non-commercial digital format, but you cannot alter the artwork itself.
- At no point in time is my work to be used in the creation, distribution, or sale of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Should I discover that my work has been used in such a manner, I will take necessary and persistent action to remove that piece from the market.  I do not nor will I ever condone NFTs.

- Furries
- Explicit art
- Large groups

- Excessive violence/gore
- Mech-based designs
- Hateful/racist/homophobic/etc imagery
If you have any concerns about the commission you're thinking of purchasing from me, please feel free to ask.
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