Make Music Day UK Official Broadcast - Call for contributors
For the 2021 Official Broadcast we are calling on Make Music Day event organisers from across the UK to pitch for a section of the livestream.

We want you to come up with creative ideas for 15 or 30 minute sections, and put your music-making and digital skills into action and get producing your own online show for Make Music Day 2021.

Use this form to tell us about your idea.

The call will close at 5pm on 12 May 2021. We will be in touch by 18 May 2021 to let you know if your idea has been selected
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Name *
Email *
Telephone Number *
Group/Organisation (if relevant)
Location - where are you based? *
Summary of idea – Tell us about what you'd like to contribute to the live stream. Let us know about what will be in the section - Will there be live performances, will there be interviews? Will there be any pre-recorded video content? What music genre(s) will be included? What people/groups are you involving and are there any 'special' guests etc.? *
How long to you envisage your section being? *
Stage of your ideas and skills - Tell us a little bit about how much of your idea you have begun to develop (if any) and a little bit about your tech skills in relation to music production, video production and live-streaming. *
How much time can you and/or your group/organisation commit to the development of this section of the livestream between mid-May and 21 June? *
What time would you like us to schedule your section of the live stream? Please tick all that apply. *
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