Wildlife Crime: Do We Need Hand of Technology?
We are interested in understanding current technologies for Wildlife monitoring and how effective you think they are against Illegal Wildlife Trafficking.
Adresse e-mail *
Your Name and Location *
Your Occupation *
How much do you support or oppose the ongoing Technological Interventions against Illegal Wildlife Trafficking? *
What are the tools you are using for the Conservation of Animals and countering Illegal Wildlife Trafficking? *
If you know of any specific technique, please fill in other
Which group of animals are mostly affected by illegal activities? (tick all that apply) *
Any Specific animal you wish to name? Please fill in other
Are efforts taken to increase public awareness of wildlife crime and it's environmental, social, and economic impacts? *
Are local communities engaged in efforts to combat wildlife crime? *
What type of illegal activities related to wildlife or wildlife crimes occurs in your area? *
Have any specialized investigation techniques been used by law enforcement agencies to combat wildlife crime? *
If Yes, do you know of any? Please share it in other
Is there any tradition / Custome prevalent in your area which could be considered as Wildlife Crime in Modern Context? *
Is there any conventional method of monitoring wildlife in your area? *
If yes, please specify in other
Interesting Case Study or People working in the field of technology and wildlife conservation that you recommend us to approach
please give us a name - organization - position - email / phone contact
How do you think that technology will support wildlife conservation in the future?
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