Virtual Focus Group Questionnaire
Seeking western Montana area and Wyoming residents for 2-hour, virtual focus groups. Ages 18+.
Compensation: $25/hour for 2 hours
Payment via PayPal

By filling out this form, you agree to be contacted via email for future opportunities. If selected, you will be notified via email.

What you'll be doing: We're looking for a diverse group of people to provide input on community issues.

~Must have access to a laptop, desktop, or tablet with microphone and front-facing camera for the duration of the virtual focus group. Mobile phone use will not be allowed.
~Must commit to a stationary location for the duration of the virtual meeting.
~Confidentiality Agreement to be signed prior to virtual meeting.

*Sessions will be recorded. All information provided is CONFIDENTIAL and will be used only for focus group selection and research purposes. We will not share your information.
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PayPal Email Address (if different than contact email)
How did you find us? *
I will have a working laptop, desktop, or tablet with keyboard, camera, microphone, and internet connection for the duration of this virtual focus group. *
I am comfortable using and communicating via Zoom. *
Not comfortable at all
Extremely comfortable
Full Name (First, Last) *
Age *
Gender *
Race *
Address (Line 1) *
Address (Line 2 - City, State, Zip) *
Phone number *
Highest level of education completed *
Occupation *
Marital Status *
Children (please list gender and ages)
Residence *
Combined annual household income *
Have you ever been involved in a law suit? *
If yes, please explain
Political Views *
Religious Affiliation *
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