Workshops at Oak Hill Farms
Thank you for your interest in having Oak Hill Farms host your next workshop.  We love supporting local artisans and giving them a space where they can share their craft.  

As we are solely the host space for these events, we require applicants to run their own ticket sales.  We will happily promote them on our calendar as well as our social media, but logistics and sign ups will be the responsibility of the workshop leader.  Pricing and payout structures will be discussed upon receiving your application.

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Name *
Email *
Best Phone Number *
Social Media Pages *
Please give a brief overview of the Workshop you would like us to host. *
What do you typically charge for your workshops? *
Up to how many guests can your workshop accommodate? *
How long do your workshops typically run? (ie. 2 hours, 1.5 hours..) *
In a few words, please tell us why you think your workshop is a good fit for Oak Hill Farms. *
Is there any other additional information you would like us to know?
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