Topic 3 Test 3 Computer operating systems, programs and applications
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Which of the following is a multi-user operating system? *
1 point
An operating system that allows multiple tasks to run simultaneously is called:
1 point
Which of the following is considered a mobile operating system?
1 point
The primary function of an operating system is:
1 point
Which component of the operating system is responsible for managing files?
1 point
What does the operating system's kernel do?
1 point
Which version of Windows introduced the Start menu?
1 point
Windows 10 offers a virtual desktop feature called:
1 point
Software designed to perform a group of coordinated functions, tasks, or activities for the benefit of the user is called:
1 point
Which application is widely used for creating spreadsheets?
1 point
Which software is primarily used for vector graphic editing?
1 point
A software used for creating presentations is:
1 point
Which software is commonly used for video editing?
1 point
A program that is used to browse the internet is called:
1 point
Which operating system is primarily used in embedded systems?
1 point
Linux is best described as a(n):
1 point
Which is a core function of the operating system's memory management?
1 point
Process scheduling is the responsibility of:
1 point
The "Blue Screen of Death" in Windows indicates:
1 point
In Windows, what is the default file manager called?
1 point
Which program is widely used for personal information management and email communication?
1 point
For 3D modeling and animation, which software is widely recognized?
1 point
Software designed to protect your computer from viruses is called:
1 point
A software used to manage databases is:
1 point
Cloud storage apps like Google Drive and Dropbox are examples of:
1 point
Which application allows users to create and edit digital videos?
1 point
The software application "Slack" is primarily used for:
1 point
An example of open-source office productivity software is:
1 point
Which type of operating system is designed to manage network resources?
1 point
An example of a proprietary operating system is:
1 point
The process of updating the operating system to fix bugs and improve performance is called:
1 point
In an operating system, what is the purpose of virtual memory?
1 point
The utility used for disk partitioning in Windows is called:
1 point
Which Windows feature allows you to restore your system to a previous state?
1 point
Software specifically designed for editing text documents is known as:
1 point
A software package typically used for creating vector graphics, photo editing, and layout design is:
1 point
Which application is best suited for professional audio editing?
1 point
An example of project management software is:
1 point
The software used for remote desktop control and meetings is:
1 point
A web development tool used for designing and testing responsive websites is:
1 point
Cloud-based collaboration tools that allow real-time document editing and sharing are exemplified by:
1 point
A software solution for managing customer relationships and interactions is known as:
1 point
An open-source software for creating and managing websites or blogs is:
1 point
Which software is used for making mathematical computations and visualizations, especially in engineering and scientific applications?
1 point
In distributed operating systems, the principle of transparency allows:
1 point
In digital image processing, "non-destructive editing" refers to:
1 point
A "Virtual Private Network (VPN)" is primarily used in network applications to:
1 point
The term "Big Data" refers to:
1 point
"Blockchain technology" can be applied in applications beyond cryptocurrencies, including:
1 point
"Augmented reality (AR)" applications differ from "Virtual Reality (VR)" applications in that AR:
1 point
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